As part of the occupational health and safety regulations, companies are obliged to provide first aid in the workplace. Take precautions.
Occupational Safety for companies.
Accidents and emergencies can happen anywhere at any time and quite often the first actions taken help save the most lives.
First Aid Management is designed to enable employees and generally any citizen to become First Aiders to develop the practical competence required to become First-Aiders to provide immediate first aid in the workplace, and also in other environment as and when required.
First-Aiders are able to give full support to and assist individuals who need immediate attention while waiting for an ambulance or specialist help to arrive.
Assess the situation quickly and safely, and summon appropriate help. Give each casualty early and appropriate treatment and take precautions to prevent cross infection.
Our course is MQA aproved and HRDC refund is possible.
Course Details:
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)system
First aid for anaphylaxis
First aid for burns
Major bleeding & shock
Bites and stings
Bone, joint and muscle injuries
Prevent infection
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Principles and practice of First-Aid
Control bleeding
Recognize life threatening situations
Disorders of consciousness
Supply artificial ventilation and circulation
Disorders of the circulation
Dressings and bandages
The recovery position
Effects of heat and cold
Wounds and bleeding